Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley

The State Department’s Chief Diversity And Inclusion Officer

Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley is a 30-year diplomat at the State Department and has served as U.S. Ambassador to Malta and a foreign policy advisor to various national security organizations, including the Foreign Service Institute and United States Cyber Command. Throughout her career, Abercrombie-Winstanley has signaled strong support for reproductive and LGBTQIA+ rights and the promotion of diversity and inclusion of historically marginalized groups.

Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley Was Announced As The State Department’s Chief Diversity And Inclusion Officer On April 12, 2021

Secretary Of State Antony Blinken Announced Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley As The State Department’s First Chief Diversity And Inclusion Officer In April 2021. “Today, we’re taking an important step in that direction by naming Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley as our chief diversity and inclusion officer—the first in the department’s history. I couldn’t be happier about having Gina join our team.” [U.S. Department of State, 4/12/21]


Abercrombie-Winstanley Has Signaled Support For Reproductive And LGBTQIA+ Rights

Abercrombie-Winstanley Has Signaled Support For Reproductive Rights

Abercrombie-Winstanley Criticized The Trump Administration’s Anti-Reproductive Health Policies Abroad And Those Who Espouse A Narrow View Of “Pro-Life. “It is unfortunate. It breaks the momentum. We certainly know based on the science and experience that the support for health rights is important and has an economic impact and an impact on the improvement and economic general wellbeing of a nation, so we know this. So many diplomats and certainly those working in development are always regretful of the changes that have in recent years happened under Republican administrations … I think most of us can take on the mantel of being pro-life. Absolutely, pro-life. But life is not simply giving birth. Life continues, and the safety and health and well-being of children, of those who are here, of their ability to live happy and productive lives, to be well educated, to be productive human beings. All of that is life as well. And so we can’t stop it at just one small segment of nine months. It continues for the full lifespan, and as soon as we grasp pro-life in the holistic way that we should be thinking about it in my view, then we can come together, I think, and make choices that are going to last and be sustained regardless of administration. Taking politics out of it but thinking about it in a holistic way. So I believe all of us can be pro-life and pro-choice at the same time. We are not stopping at one segment, but thinking about children into adulthood.” [Voice of America, 3/18/21]

Abercrombie-Winstanley Has Signaled Strong Support For LGBTQIA+ Rights At Home And Abroad

At A Progress Flag-Raising Event At The State Department’s Headquarters, Abercrombie-Winstanley Acknowledged Her LGBTQIA+ Allyship As The Mother Of Two Gay Children. “My own allyship began before I knew that I was going to be the mother of two gay children. Having my own experiences as a senior career diplomat, an African American woman, inside this institution has given me firsthand experience not only of the discrimination in the workplace and our ability, however, it has given me an experience of our ability to successfully combat it.” [U.S. Department of State, 6/25/21]

Abercrombie-Winstanley Noted The High Barrier That Transgender Applicants Face When Applying For United States Passports And Praised The Department’s Decision To Lift Onerous Requirements. “Transgender people have a very high barrier to changing their gender markers. You know, legally it’s something that we have announced very recently of not requiring medical documentation to change your marker in passports if you’re an American citizen. Something that I think is a wonderful change and very important to people’s lives.” [Center for Strategic & International Studies, 6/30/21]

As United States Ambassador To Malta, Abercrombie-Winstanley Attended The Country’s LGBT Pride Parade In 2012. “US Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley joined the march and said she had come with her family and embassy staff to represent the American people and their commitment to human rights. ‘We believe that everyone should be judged on their personal worth and not have to fear physical pain or discrimination because of who they are or who they love,’ the ambassador said.” [Times of Malta, 6/30/12]

As Ambassador, Abercrombie-Winstanley Praised And Awarded An International Woman Of Courage Award To Gabi Calleja, A Local LGBT Rights Activist. “Malta Gay Rights Movement coordinator Gabi Calleja has been presented with the Internatio[nal] Woman of Courage award by the US government. Presenting the award, US Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley praised Ms Calleja for her ‘exceptional and courageous work as an advocate for human rights’, in particular the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. In recognising Ms Calleja’s role as a Woman of Courage, Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley spoke about President Barack Obama’s commitment to eliminating barriers to equality, fighting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and engaging LGBT communities across the country. The government congratulated Ms Calleja for her award.” [Times of Malta, 5/25/12]



