Julieta Valls Noyes

Assistant Secretary For Population, Refugees, And Migration At The Department Of State

Julieta Valls Noyes has over three decades of experience with the Foreign Service and the State Department and has most notably served as Ambassador to Croatia under the Obama administration. Noyes has made favorable remarks in support of LGBTQIA+ rights and has signaled support for the State Department’s diversity and inclusion efforts, but there is no clear evidence regarding her stance on reproductive rights.

Julieta Valls Noyes Was Nominated On June 3, 2021, To Be Assistant Secretary For Population, Refugees, And Migration At The Department Of State

In June 2021, Julieta Valls Noyes Was Nominated To Be Assistant Secretary For Population, Refugees, And Migration At The Department Of State. “WASHINGTON – Today, President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate the following seven individuals to serve in key roles … Julieta Valls Noyes, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Department of State.” [The White House, 6/3/21]

Noyes Has Signaled Support For LGBTQIA+ Rights

Noyes Has Tweeted Multiple Times In Support Of LGBTQIA+ Rights

Noyes Tweeted In Support Of Legislation Designating Pulse Nightclub As A National Memorial.

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[Julieta Valls Noyes Twitter, 6/11/21]

Noyes Commended On Pope Francis’ Favorable Remarks About Same-Sex Couples.

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[Julieta Valls Noyes Twitter, 8/21/20]

Noyes Celebrated LGBTQIA+ Pride Month By Posting A Neighborhood Display Of The Pride Flag’s Rainbow Colors. 

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[Julieta Valls Noyes Twitter, 6/16/20]

Noyes Praised The Supreme Court’s Bostock Decision Protecting LGBTQIA+ Employees From Workplace Discrimination.

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[Julieta Valls Noyes Twitter, 6/15/20]


Noyes Has Advocated For Expanding Diversity And Inclusion Efforts At The State Department

Noyes Spoke In Support Of Increasing Diversity And Inclusion Efforts At The State Department

At A Georgetown University Event, Noyes Praised The State Department’s Rangel Program To Increase Diversity And Inclusion And Called On The Department To Do More. “Despite progress in workforce representation in recent years, the State Department still has room to improve regarding diversity, Noyes said. ‘Where we’re not as well represented is in the more senior ranks because, of course, it takes up time for people to move up,’ Noyes said. ‘Slowly, slowly, steadily, steadily, we hope to get to a more equitable service.’ Noyes cited the Rangel Program, a State Department initiative started in 2002 administered by Howard University that seeks to attract people from minority groups that are historically underrepresented for careers in the Foreign Service, as a key factor in the department’s increasing diversity. Since the Rangel Program’s start, representation of minorities in the State Department has increased by about 25% and representation of women in Foreign Service generalist officer positions has increased by 12%, according to Noyes.” [The Hoya, 2/21/20]

Noyes Spoke At A German Marshall Fund Forum To Encourage More Women Representation In National Security Careers.

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[Julieta Valls Noyes, 12/6/19]

Under Her Leadership As Ambassador To Croatia, The United States Embassy In Zagreb Launched An Online Platform To Support Women Entrepreneurs. “After two weeks of soft launch mini-events and an energetic social media campaign, the moment had finally arrived to launch the Embassy’s newest initiative for women entrepreneurs, Aurora … Aurora is an online platform that collects opportunities available to women who want to start a business, women who already have a business and want to grow it, and established women who want to share their expertise. The site not only connects people but also has the ability to tailor resources to users’ needs … After six months of development, Aurora was ready for its big debut. Shortly after 7:00 pm on October 18, Ambassador Julieta Valls Noyes opened the evening and explained the Embassy’s motivation for Aurora.” [U.S. Department of State Archives, 11/3/17]

