Lisa Carty

U.S. Ambassador to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations General Assembly

Lisa Carty has extensive experience in coordinating global health, humanitarian aid, and diplomacy initiatives from over three decades of serving as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer and diplomat, along with working in other public and private sector roles. In her work addressing world health concerns such as HIV/AIDS and COVID-19, she has held space for relevant reproductive and human rights issues. These include access to family planning, economic development, increasing access to treatment for people who inject drugs, and stymying gender-based violence.

Lisa Carty Was Reported to be a Nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council on June 25th, 2021

Lisa Carty Was Announced as a Nominee to the Position On June 25th, 2021. “Lisa Carty, Nominee for Representative of the United States of America on the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations with the rank of Ambassador and Alternate Representative to the United Nations General Assembly.” [White House, 06/25/2021]

The U.S. Senate Received her Nomination on July 13th, 2021. [Congress, 07/13/2021]

Carty Was Confirmed to the Role by Senate Vote on February 8th, 2022. [Senate, 02/08/2022]

Carty Has Shown Support for Equitable Economic Development and Distribution of Humanitarian Aid in Developing Nations and Local Communities.

Carty Once Acknowledged the Need for Countries to Cooperate in Resolving Global Health Crises and to More Equitably Include Developing Nations. “In the fight for equity, Ms. Carty called for some fundamentals in all countries moving forward: a well-functioning basic primary health care system, the ability to collect and analyze data, the ability to link that analysis to how money is spent to make sure money is spent in the most impactful way, and the linkages of these systems in a way that there is an awareness of what happens in other countries. She ended with a call to bring the whole world into our global health problem-solving and not restrict the discussion to wealthy countries.” [Georgetown Global Health Initiative, 04/21/2021]

Carty Wants to Emphasize Equity as We Address the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. “She spoke about how substantial numbers of people are falling back into global poverty with the coronavirus pandemic. Because of COVID-19, there are 80 to 90 million more people that have fallen below the poverty line, making less than a dollar a day, and 200 million more people who are severely food insecure. She emphasized the importance of pushing forward against these issues and doing so with equity at the forefront of our minds.” [Georgetown Global Health Initiative, 04/21/2021]

Carty Acknowledged the Disparity between how much Money Humanitarian Aid Organizations Receive and how much of Those Funds Local, Community-based Groups Receive. “‘COVID is a horrible tragedy, but it’s going to force us to work differently,’ the United Nations humanitarian agency’s director of humanitarian financing, Lisa Carty, has said. U.N. leaders are discussing ‘how to make sure money moves more quickly’ to frontline responders. One-quarter of the $1 billion allocated by U.N. country-based funds went to local aid organizations last year, Carty said, ‘but I think we all agree that we want to do better.’” [AP News, 08/26/2020]

Carty Values Collecting Accurate Data and Sharing it Equitably in Developing Multilateral Responses to Global Health Issues

Carty Has Placed Value on Equitable Data Sharing and Multilateral Cooperation as a Means to Improve Responses to Global Health Challenges. “Focusing on the responsibility and potential of multilateral partners, Ms. Carty stated that while multilateral systems are not perfect, ‘they hold tremendous resources and influence ... to solve problems at scale …’ Drawing from the Bill and Melinda Gates Annual Letter and the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan, Ms. Carty pointed to data and information sharing as the foundation of building public health response systems rooted in global connections.” [Georgetown Global Health Initiative, 04/15/2021]

In Carty’s Work on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, She Has Addressed Systemic Overlap Between Access to Reproductive Healthcare, Gender-based Violence, and HIV/AIDS Proliferation and Treatment

Carty Supported the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon Partnership’s Launch in Ethiopia, which Works to Increase Access to Cervical Cancer Screenings for HIV Positive People. “Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon (PRRR), an innovative partnership that works to expand the availability of vital cervical cancer screening, treatment and breast care education—especially for women living with HIV—was officially launched in Ethiopia by Roman Tesfaye, the First Lady of Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa on 11 February … ‘UNAIDS commitment to Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon is an example of the importance of developing creative new models to better integrate HIV services with other primary health -care interventions to save lives and build sustainable health systems.’” [UNAIDS, 02/12/2015]

In a Politico Article about Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Visit to South Africa, Carty Urged the Need to Increase Access to Medical Care for Infants and Family Planning Services. “We still need to help expand access to services for pregnant women living with HIV—to ensure the health of the mother and prevent the virus from being passed to newborns. More broadly, there is the need to improve systematically maternal and child health in Botswana and South Africa: to ensure safe motherhood and healthy infants and to improve access to family planning.” [Politico, 06/24/2011]

Carty Called for Enhancing Bilateral Partnership Between the U.S. and Ukraine to Address the Disproportionate Lack of Access to HIV Care for People who Inject Drugs. “… an increasing PEPFAR presence in Ukraine and the signing in 2011 of a formal bilateral Partnership Framework on HIV/AIDS between the governments of Ukraine and the United States provide the U.S. government with additional leverage to ensure that the 2012–2016 Global Fund grant has maximum impact in advancing HIV prevention and other services for PWID [(people who inject drugs)]. Ukraine is poised for progress. If the outstanding major administrative and structural challenges can be addressed and the political will mobilized and sustained, the availability and eventual full implementation of Ukraine’s Round 10 Global Fund grant will provide the country and its institutions with both adequate resources and with an excellent opportunity over the next several years to use new policies, new laws and regulations, new practices, and new resources to provide comprehensive and evidence-based AIDS care and PWID care and treatment to all of its affected citizens and to dramatically reduce the spread of HIV among its population.” [Center for Strategic & International Studies, 03/16/2012]

Carty Praised the “a Safer Zambia Project” for its Mitigation against Gender-based Violence in Zambian Communities, Noting How Such Violence Contributes to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. “‘We know that gender-based violence and abuse are contributors to the AIDS epidemic in many countries,’ said Lisa Carty, Director of the UNAIDS office in Washington, DC. ‘To see the model developed at ASAZA [A Safer Zambia], particularly the involvement of the men’s network, and to hear the courageous stories of gender-based violence survivors is proof that communities can take action to combat gender violence.  We all need to support this type of innovative approach,’ she added.” [UNAIDS, 03/09/2012]


Despite a Career in Humanitarian Work and Having Previously Worked with Palestinian Refugees, Lisa Carty Expressed a Brief Desire to Confront “Anti-Israel Bias” in her Senate Foreign Relations Committee Testimony for her Current Role

Carty Insists on the U.S. to Resist “Anti-Israel Bias” in the United Nations. “It is a world in which the capabilities of the United Nations matter enormously—but also require relentless U.S. insistence on transparency, accountability and reform, as well as unwavering resistance to anti-Israel bias.” [Foreign Relations Committee, 10/05/2021]

Although Equity Forward is not an Issue Area Expert in Refugee Rights and Humanitarian Crises, We Recognize the Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Israeli Government against the Palestinian People

Human Rights Watch Released a 2021 Report Categorizing Israeli Government’s Actions against Palestinians as “So Severe that They Amount to the Crimes of Humanity of Apartheid and Persecution.” “About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the latter made up of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Throughout most of this area, Israel is the sole governing power; in the remainder, it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule. Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.” [Human Rights Watch, 4/27/21]

She Has Received Congratulations and Support from Fellow U.S. Ambassadors to the United Nations

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Congratulated Carty Expressing Eagerness at Carty Assuming a Leading Role in Advancing Human Rights Work. 

[Twitter, 02/08/2022]

Ambassador Michele Sison Named Carty’s Experience in Foreign Affairs as an “Invaluable Asset” to the Economic and Social Council

[Twitter, 02/09/2022]

Sarah J. Craven, Director of the Washington DC Office of United Nations Population Fund Looks Forward to Working with Ambassador Carty.


[Twitter, 02/09/2022]

