HHS Watch - Biden

Ensuring the Biden-Harris administration is restoring our nation’s health department and advancing rights for all people

HHS Watch, a campaign run by Equity Forward, examines the decision makers at our nation’s health department who are creating and implementing policy that impacts sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice as well as other human rights.

After the damage caused by the previous administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Biden-Harris administration must do more than reverse harmful policies—it must also restore and advance rights. Equity Forward will continue to monitor key administration officials, offices and policy areas to ensure that this is the case.

Appointees to Key Positions

Equity Forward is tracking the names of appointees to key cabinet and leadership positions that have purview over our main issue areas regarding abortion, reproductive health and justice and policies singularly impacting LGBTQIA+ communities. HHS Watch highlights appointees in our nation’s health department.

Our research team has coded each appointee with one of the below designations. These categorizations are not meant to be static but, rather, to inform expectations around appointees and the policies under their purviews, which we will continue tracking.

 Green: This person has a clearly demonstrated history of advancing reproductive health, LGBTQIA+ rights and/or other human rights.

 Yellow: This person has peripheral instances of involvement with efforts undermining reproductive health, LGBTQIA+ rights and/or other human rights and/or this person has developed toward a more humane framework.

 Red: This person has a substantial and demonstrated history of attacking reproductive health, LGBTQIA+ rights and/or other human rights.

Category to be Determined: Initial research provided insufficient information to allow EF to apply a rating to this candidate.