Stephanie Psaki
Senior Advisor On Human Rights And Gender Equity, HHS Office of Global Affairs
Stephanie Psaki was appointed senior advisor on human rights and gender equity within the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs in March 2021. Most recently, Psaki served as director of Population Council’s Girl Innovation Research and Learning Center. Throughout her career, Psaki has led various research initiatives that explored barriers to gender equity. Psaki expressed support for evidence-based policies to advance gender equity and other human rights internationally. Psaki also signaled support for reproductive rights and LGBTQ rights internationally.

Stephanie Psaki Was Appointed Senior Advisor On Human Rights And Gender Equity For The Office Of Global Affairs On March 22, 2021
On March 22, 2021, The Department Of Health And Human Services Issued A Press Release Announcing Psaki’s Appointment As Senior Advisor On Human Rights And Gender Equity Within The Office Of Global Affairs.
On March 8, 2021, Psaki Announced On Twitter She Had Been Appointed To A Role In HHS’s Office Of Global Affairs.
Previous Employment Of Note
- Director, Girl Innovation Research And Learning (GIRL) Center, Population Council, 2013–2021
- Senior Researcher, Population Council, 2016–2021
- Deputy Director, Girl Innovation Research And Learning (GIRL) Center, Population Council, 2018–2019
- Researcher Of Poverty, Gender And Youth and Editor Of Studies In Family Planning, Population Council, 2013–2016
- Project Director, Gender Department, Family Health International 360, 2010–2013
- Research Assistant, Advance Family Planning Project, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health, 2011–2012
- Data Manager, International Center For Research On Women, 2010
- Research Associate, National Institutes Of Health, 2008–2011
- Research Assistant, Partners In Health, Harvard Medical School, 2007–2008
- Program Officer, Academy For Educational Development, 2002–2006
Psaki Advocated For Gender Equity In Previous Research Roles
In Her Previous Research Role, Psaki Coauthored A Blog Post Highlighting Barriers To Education That Girls And Women Face Internationally. “Although it has been 10 months since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we’re only starting to see its effects—both direct and indirect—on school-age children and their families. As we think about what comes next, let’s not forget the fundamentals—what we already know about gender-related barriers to schooling, and what has worked to improve education for girls before. What we need to understand is how COVID-19 changes those fundamentals, and how we must change our plans in response.” [Brookings Institute, 1/12/2021]
In An Op-Ed Response, Psaki Emphasized The Importance Of Evidence To Inform Gender Equity Policymaking. “There is, however, very strong evidence that challenges like food insecurity and poverty lead many girls (and boys) to miss school. Using evidence to inform policies is more important now than ever, even when the evidence does not align with our intuition.” [The New York Times, 1/26/2021]
Psaki Signaled Support For Reproductive Rights In The United States And Globally
Psaki Tweeted Support For Evidence-Based Reproductive Health Legislation And Called Out Biased Political Interference Restricting Abortion Access.
[Stephanie Psaki, Twitter, 5/16/2019]
Psaki Coauthored Research Highlighting A Need For Advancing Reproductive Rights Internationally. “A new study, conducted by the Population Council and with Women Deliver, found a strong and consistent lifelong negative association between giving birth before age 18 and a woman’s economic empowerment. The research, previewed today at the Women Deliver 2019 Conference, the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women, points to the critical need to strengthen sexual and reproductive health and rights and expand economic opportunities for girls and women throughout their lives. ‘The ability to earn and control cash represents more than just earnings—it influences a woman’s ability to make strategic life choices,’ said Stephanie Psaki, PhD, deputy director of the Population Council’s Girl Center. ‘This is one of the first studies to show consistently across so many countries and settings that having a child early can impact future earning potential.’” [Women Deliver, 6/6/2019]
In 2019, Psaki Criticized The Trump-Pence Administration’s Harmful International Anti-Choice Policies. “The [Trump-Pence] administration's ‘Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance’ policy is affecting US global health spending not only on abortion, but on contraception, reproductive health, and everything from child nutrition to tuberculosis treatment as well…‘The reality of what the evidence says is that you cannot achieve those [Trump-Pence administration policy] goals if you don't have access to comprehensive sex education, family planning, safe access to abortion,’ said Stephanie Psaki, director of the Population Council's Girl Innovation Research and Learning (GIRL) Center, an NGO focused on global health and development research.” [CNN, 9/12/2019]
As Senior Advisor On Human Rights And Gender Equity, Psaki Signaled Support For LGBTQ Rights
Psaki Emphasized Equity For People Of All Gender Identities And Sexual Orientations At The United Nations’ 65th Session Of The Commission On The Status Of Women.