Xavier Becerra
HHS Secretary
Xavier Becerra has extensive political experience stemming from 12 terms in Congress within the United States House of Representatives and one term as a representative in the California State Legislature. Becerra has served as California’s attorney general since 2017. As a former United States Representative, Becerra acted with a strong reproductive and human rights voting record. As California’s attorney general, Becerra staunchly defended reproductive rights and immigrant rights.

Becerra Was Confirmed By The Senate As HHS Secretary On March 18, 2021
Becerra Was Confirmed By The Senate As HHS Secretary On March 18, 2021. "The Senate...narrowly confirmed Xavier Becerra as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) by a 50-49 vote." [The Hill, 3/18/21]
The New York Times First Reported Biden Selected Becerra To Serve As HHS Secretary. “President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has selected Xavier Becerra, the Democratic attorney general of California, as his nominee for secretary of health and human services, tapping a former congressman who would be the first Latino to run the department as it battles the surging coronavirus pandemic.” [New York Times, 12/6/20]
Politico Reported Becerra Was Previously A Top Contender For Other Roles Within Biden’s Cabinet But Was Selected To Lead HHS. “President-elect Joe Biden has selected California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to serve as his secretary of Health and Human Services, choosing an experienced politician to help oversee the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to three people familiar with the decision. Becerra, who was also under consideration for other roles in Biden's Cabinet, emerged as a frontrunner to run HHS late last week, and Biden himself offered him the job on Friday, a source familiar with the decision said.” [Politico, 12/6/20]
Becerra Has Brought Over 100 Lawsuits Against The Trump Administration In His Most Recent Role As California’s Attorney General. “California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has sued the Trump administration more than 100 times including in defense of the Affordable Care Act, will be President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for secretary of health and human services.” [San Francisco Chronicle, 12/6/20]
Previous Employment Of Note
Attorney General of California, 2017 – Present
U.S. Representative for California’s 34th Congressional District, 2013 – 2017
Chair of the Democratic Caucus, 2013 – 2017
Ranking Member, Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security, 2011 – 2017
U.S. Representative for California’s 31st Congressional District, 2003 – 2013
Committee on the Budget, 2007 – 2011
U.S. Representative for California’s 30th Congressional District, 1993 – 2003
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, 1993 – 1995
Committee on Education and Labor, 1993 – 1997
Committee on the Judiciary, 1993 – 1997
Representative for the California State Assembly, 59th Assembly District, 1990 – 1992
Deputy Attorney General for State of California, Civil Division, 1987 – 1990
Becerra Has A History Of Supporting Human Rights In Past Roles
Becerra Advocated For Immigrant Rights Amid Federal Anti-Immigration Policymaking
Becerra Opposed Previous Presidents’ Anti-Immigration Policies And Sentiments As A U.S. Representative And State Attorney General. “Now, as the Los Angeles congressman is on the verge of becoming California’s first Latino attorney general, he is being asked to draw once again on that background as the state’s top lawyer at a time when President-elect Donald Trump is proposing mass deportations and construction of a border wall… Becerra said he would fight to protect California policies that help immigrants in the country illegally to get driver’s licenses, college financial aid and legal assistance in fighting deportation orders.” [LA Times, 1/18/17]
Becerra Celebrated A Federal Judge’s Order To Restore DACA And Vowed To Continue Defending Immigrant Rights As California’s Attorney General.
[Xavier Becerra, Twitter, 12/4/20]
Becerra Called The Trump Administration’s Public Charge Rule Attacking Immigrants Inhumane.
[Xavier Becerra, Twitter, 12/2/20]
Becerra Has A Strong Record Of Defending Reproductive Rights
Becerra Helped Lead A Multistate Amicus Brief Supporting Lawsuits Against The Trump Administration’s Title X Final Rule. “California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford on Friday filed a multistate amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, supporting the City of Baltimore in its lawsuit against the Trump-Pence Administration’s Title X rule.” [State of California Department of Justice, 5/1/20]
Becerra Spoke Out Against The Title X Final Rule. “‘With this rule, the Trump-Pence Administration has upended the Title X program, which provides critical reproductive and preventative health services to low-income women and families across the nation,’ said California Attorney General Xavier Becerra. ‘At a time when many Americans are facing uncertainty in both their health and finances due to the coronavirus, programs that provide low-cost healthcare, like Title X, are more critical than ever. Our coalition stands with the millions of women and families across the nation who rely on Title X for healthcare services in urging the court to halt this harmful rule.’” [State of California Department of Justice, 5/1/20]
NARAL Pro-Choice America Deemed Becerra’s Congressional Voting Record “100% Pro-Choice” In 2016.
[NARAL Pro-Choice America, accessed 12/7/20]
Becerra Denounced The Trump Administration’s Hypocrisy Over Fetal Tissue Research
Becerra Urged HHS Secretary Alex Azar And NIH Director Francis Collins To Reject The Trump Administration’s Faulty Recommendations To Withhold Funding For Research Using Fetal Tissue.
[State of California, Office of the Attorney General Letter, Page 1, 10/28/20]