Arina Grossu
Arina O. Grossu has been advocating for anti-abortion groups since she was in high school. She worked as director of the Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity, where she focused on anti-abortion issues.

Grossu has been an outreach advisor for HHS’ Conscience and Religious Freedom Division since January 2018, where she “advises and supports in communications and outreach.” The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is charged with enforcing anti-discrimination laws, health privacy laws, and conscience laws. The Washington Post reported that the Office for Civil Rights under Trump “has been greatly strengthening and expanding protections for health care providers who have religious- or conscience-based objections to procedures such as abortion.” It went on to say that “the makeover appears radical, one that critics worry will jeopardize the care of pregnant women and transgender individuals, as well as others who could be denied certain procedures.”
Director, Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity, 2014 – 2018
Board Member, National Pro-Life Religious Council, 2015 – 2018
Montessori Directress, St. Jerome Academy Children’s House, 2013 – 2014
Potomac Charismatic Community, a Maryland-based Catholic organization that assists clergy in becoming more deeply immersed in scripture, 2010 – 2013
Eternal World Television Network, the global Catholic television, radio and news network, 2008 – 2010
CRC Public Relations, coordinated media relations for pro-life public policy groups
President, Notre Dame Right To Life, 2005 – 2006
Shannon Royce:
Grossu worked at Family Research Council at the same time as Shannon Royce, Director of the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives within HHS. Royce is an inactive attorney with a long career of anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ policy work, including her promotion of conversion therapy. She has often pushed her extremist views under the guise of religious freedom. LifeSite News wrote that “Royce’s resume reads like a Who’s Who of the pro-family, pro-life movement in the nation’s capital [sic].”
Mandi Ancalle:
Mandi Ancalle is an attorney who has served in senior roles at Liberty Counsel and Family Research Council, both designated hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. She has used these platforms to espouse her anti-LGBTQ views. Grossu worked at the FRC with Ancalle; they both work in the Office for Civil Rights now.
Matt Bowman:
Grossu worked with HHS Deputy General Counsel Matt Bowman on OCR’s Conscience and Religious Freedom division launch. Bowman has a lengthy track record of representing clients in court fighting abortion and birth control access, including the Obama-era birth control mandate. He has made a career out of fighting to roll back reproductive rights outside of the court room, as well: Bowman worked as a full-time anti-abortion activist for years, during which time he was arrested for protesting gay-friendly and reproductive rights policies.
While Working At Family Research Council, Grossu Was A Highly Vocal And Visible Spokesperson For The Hate Group’s Anti-Abortion Platform
Grossu Was Hired By FRC In 2014 To Focus On Anti-Abortion Advocacy. “Family Research Council (FRC) has hired two more experts to strengthen its mission to advance life and religious freedom. Travis Weber will head FRC's Center for Religious Liberty and Arina Grossu will direct the Center for Human Dignity. Arina Grossu will focus on sanctity of life issues, ranging from conception to end of life care… Arina will lead our efforts to build a culture that upholds all human life as a gift to be treasured. The life of every human being is an intrinsic good, not something whose value is conditional upon its usefulness to others or to the state.” [, 2/4/14]
Arina Grossu’s FRC Work Included Making Blatantly False Claims About Birth Control And Abortion…
Grossu Believes Birth Control Leads To “More Risky Sex” Despite Academic Studies Showing The Opposite. “Arina Grossu, director of the council's Center for Human Dignity, says she finds the new study unconvincing and believes more contraception does lead to more risky sex. ‘Contraception gives women a false sense of safety’ from pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, she says. ‘Women think they are completely protected, and they are not.’” [USA Today, 3/7/14]
Grossu Has Falsely Linked Increased Birth Control Use To More Abortions. “More contraception=more #abortion,” [Grossu tweet, 8/3/17].
…Grossu Has Also Used Her Platform To Actively Target Women’s Health Organizations Like Planned Parenthood…
At A July 2015 Students For Life Rally, Grossu Called for The De-Funding of Planned Parenthood, Lodging Several Malicious And False Accusations Against The Organization. “Planned Parenthood is performing barbaric and grotesque activities and yet received $528 million in combined federal, state and local government grants and contracts in 2013-2014, and has a reported revenue of over $1.3 billion. Planned Parenthood has now been caught red-handed in baby organ trafficking, endangering women by changing abortion methods to procure intact organs, possibly violating the partial-birth abortion ban, helping sex traffickers cover up the trafficking of minor girls, sexual abuse cover-up, scheduling sex selective abortions and accepting money to abort black babies. Women have been lied to when told that by Planned Parenthood that their babies are just ‘blobs of tissue.’ Blobs don’t have intact baby hearts, lungs, and livers. Human babies do. And human babies are not for sale. Planned Parenthood consistently exploits and betrays women and children for profit and must not receive one dime of taxpayer money.” [, 7/28/15]
…Including By Participating In FRC Action’s Anti-Planned Parenthood Bus Tour “FRC Action’s Arina Grossu, who will be joining the bus tour, told LifeNews: ‘If you are sickened and saddened that Planned Parenthood exploits women and harvests and sells their babies’ organs, please join me at one of our bus tour stops. This bus tour will expose the truth that Planned Parenthood cares more about its bottom line and is willing to harvest and traffic aborted baby body parts than it does for women’s health.’” [Life News, 10/1/15]
As A College Student, Grossu Ran The Notre Dame Right to Life Organization
In Her Role As An On-Campus Anti-Abortion Activist, Grossu Took Issue With The Vagina Monologues Performance Due To Its Depiction Of Female Sexuality. “‘I saw ‘The Vagina Monologues’ my freshman year,’ Said senior and Right to Life president Arina Grossu. ‘I was completely objectified. I felt like a vagina. I felt like the play made any sexual act appropriate…’” [The Observer, 1/25/06]
When The Notre Dame President Announced He Would Not Ban Student Performances Of The Play, Grossu Described The Play As Pornographic Material Unfit For A Catholic University. “‘On behalf of orthodox Catholics, we are extremely disappointed and surprised,’ said senior Arina Grossu, president of Notre Dame Right to Life. She noted that the local bishop publicly decreed that ‘The Vagina Monologues’ doesn't belong at a Catholic university. Jenkins' decision ‘is a scandal both to our Catholic character and an insult to our university character,’ said Grossu, who described the play as pornographic material. ‘We'll be praying for the university and praying her Catholic values don't die.’” [South Bend Tribune, 4/6/06]
Grossu Was Intimately Involved With The Launch Of OCR’s Discriminatory Conscience and Religious Freedom (CRF) Division
Grossu Coordinated with Alliance Defending Freedom Staffers To Launch The New CRF Division.
Grossu Coordinated With Alliance Defending Freedom Staffer Kellie Fiedorek For The Rollout Of HHS’ New CRF Division — Fiedorek Was Supposedly Representing One Of The OCR Event Speakers As Her Attorney.
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 1076 & Page 477]
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 1348]
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, pages 1079-1084]
Grossu Thanked ADF Lawyer Kellie Fiedorek For “All Of Her Help” Regarding The Press Releases Surrounding The Creation Of OCR’s Discriminatory Division Of Conscience And Religious Freedom.
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, pages 1079-1084]
In Tandem With The CRF Launch, Grossu Was Involved With Coordinating The Federal Register Notice For OCR’s Proposed Rule On Religious Freedom, As Well As Finalizing The Website For Filing Religious Or Conscience Freedom Complaints.
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 1343]
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 1342]
Surrounding The CRF Launch, Grossu Coordinated With Anti-Abortion Activists
Arina Grossu Received An Email From David Daleiden Alerting Her That He Would Be Attending The Conscience Protection Announcement Event Along With Individuals From The Thomas Moore Society.
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 1004]
Arina Grossu Corresponded with Susan B Anthony List Regarding The Announcement Of The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 548]
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 449]
Arina Grossu Has Shown Disregard For Government Policies In Her Capacity At OCR
Grossu Did Not Follow Government Policies For Reimbursing A Speaker For The Event Announcing The Discriminatory Conscience And Religious Freedom Division.
[EF FOIA Response, Office for Civil Rights Contractors Emails, Obtained 1/23/19, page 691-706]