Juliana Darrow
Advisor, Office of Global Affairs
Juliana Kimberly Darrow was hired as an advisor in the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of Global Affairs (OGA) in November 2018. She previously worked on health care policy for the Republican Governors Association and the state level and has been vocal about her anti-abortion views and opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is charged with the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) “global health diplomacy” initiatives, which under the Trump administration have been detrimental to reproductive health care. The programs and policies with which OGA is involved include the Helms Amendment and the Global Gag Rule, the latter of which has had a “disastrous effect” on women abroad.
Research Analyst, Republican Governors Association, 2018
Fellow, The Public Interest Fellowship, 2016 – 2018
Health Care Policy, Communications, Public Affairs, Forbes Tate Partners, 2017 – 2018
Health Policy Fellow, American Action Forum, 2016 – 2017
Research Coordinator, Children’s Hospital Colorado, 2013 – 2016
Disease Surveillance, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2012 – 2013
Juliana Darrow Has Been Vocally Opposed To The ACA, Writing Numerous Articles About Its Shortcomings, And Praised The GOP’s Disastrous ACA Repeal
Darrow Wrote A March 2017 Op-Ed Praising The House GOP-Attempted Health Care Act
Darrow In The Hill: The GOP’s American Healthcare Act Was A “Step In The Right Direction,” Could Make Health Care More Affordable. “On Monday, Republicans released their much-anticipated replacement proposal, The American Healthcare Act (AHCA). The alternative to the Affordable Care Act has the potential to actually make healthcare more affordable for Americans… The AHCA is a step in the right direction, because it brings the consumer back into the equation.” [The Hill, 3/10/17]
The Bill, Which Failed To Become Law, Would Have Defunded Groups Like Planned Parenthood…
The Bill Took Aim At Reproductive Rights By Cutting Organizations That Offer Abortion Services From Medicaid Reimbursements. “The bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will effectively defund Planned Parenthood for one year by cutting the organization from Medicaid reimbursements, according to the highly anticipated Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the bill, released Monday.” [Vox, 3/13/17]
…And Left 24 Million Uninsured, According To The Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office
The CBO Estimated That, If The Bill Had Passed, The Number of Uninsured Americans Would Rise By 14 Million. “The House Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act would increase the number of people without health insurance by 24 million by 2026… The much-anticipated judgment by Capitol Hill’s official scorekeeper did not back up President Trump’s promise of providing health care for everyone and was likely to fuel the concerns of moderate Republicans. Next year, it said, the number of uninsured Americans would be 14 million higher than expected under current law.” [New York Times, 3/13/17]
In An Overtly Partisan June 2017 Op-Ed, Darrow Painted The Congressional Republicans Attempting To Strip Americans Of Their Health Care As Saviors
Darrow Wrote That “The GOP Is Stepping In To Save An Already Failing System.” The GOP is stepping in to save an already failing system. Its push to repeal and replace is not the cause of Obamacare’s collapse. The collapse is a consequence of a poorly designed law. That is on the Democrats, Republicans should not let them get away with it. [CNBC, 6/23/17]