Recent Headlines Of Anti-Abortion Ties Are Part Of A Broader Judicial Strategy

Has the anti-abortion movement weaponized the judicial branch to enforce its agenda? Of course it has. The Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) ethical state-of-play is particularly concerning given the justices will be hearing oral arguments on the two biggest post-Roe reproductive rights cases so far.

Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration: A Pseudoscientific, Paternalistic Bid To Ban Medication Abortion Care

April 3, 2024 Update

SCOTUS heard oral arguments for FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine on March 26, 2024, with a decision likely to be released in June. Importantly, SCOTUS will hear cert petitions from the FDA and Mifeprex manufacturer Danco Laboratories, but not the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. Due to a stay issued by the U.S.

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Reproductive Health: A Social Justice Issue

The United Nations (UN) defines human rights as, “rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by the state.” These range from the right to food and education, to health and liberty. The United Nations also affirms that access to culturally competent reproductive health care is a human right. As such, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v.

By Overturning Roe, the U.S. Will Lay Bare Its Ugly Reality to the World

On January 22, 1973, the United States became one of the first countries in the world to legalize elective abortion with Roe v. Wade. Forty-nine years later, this will be the last anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, as the Court is now poised to overturn Roe this summer. The U.S.

We’re All in This Together: Understanding Climate Justice as Reproductive Justice

As 2021 comes to a close, climate change worsens and reproductive health is under unprecedented threat. But how do the movements for climate justice and reproductive justice intersect?

Cruelty and Control: Reproductive Rights and Health Care in the U.S. Immigration System



The U.S. government runs the largest immigrant detention system in the world. A far cry from America’s promises of liberty and freedom for all, this system is known for its cruelty. This cruelty is illustrated perhaps most acutely through the denial of reproductive freedom and health care for those detained in U.S. detention centers. Cruelty and Control: Reproductive Rights and Health Care in the U.S.

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Beyond Abortion: The Radical Agenda of Anti-Abortion Groups

Groups that used to primarily focus on criminalizing abortion are expanding their portfolios to infringe upon more than just reproductive rights. And they are doing so by strategizing to suppress voter turnout, strengthen their already outsized political power and fuel hostility toward immigrants. From statehouses to globally influential organizations, these groups are consistently working to impose a theocracy anchored in white supremacy-tinged Evangelism.

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