The Trump Administration Spent Four Years Sidelining Science And Manipulating Human Rights

In December 2017, the Trump administration, by way of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), reportedly banned the use of several terms at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including “fetus,” “evidence-based,” “science-based” and “transgender.”

The Ministerial on Religious Freedom: Pompeo’s Last Extremist Hurrah

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other Trump administration political appointees are not going out quietly. Days after denying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory and falsely claiming the State Department would transition to a second Trump term, Pompeo will give opening remarks at the third annual Ministerial on Religious Freedom on November 16.

Research Relying on Fetal Tissue: A Timeline of Ideological, Anti-Science HHS Politics


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) political staff have routinely pursued anti-science and anti-abortion policies and actions. Using rhetoric pulled directly from far-right and anti-abortion groups, HHS political appointees have disrupted effective and important research, putting scientific advancement for lifesaving vaccines and treatments at risk. One such example is research using fetal tissue, where focus from anti-abortion groups has resulted in actions and policy goals that fail the real needs of the American public.

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Title X Under Siege: Nation’s Family Planning Program Politicized and Sabotaged By Trump Administration


The Trump Administration Has Attacked The Intent, Purpose Of The Nation’s Family Planning Program — Beginning With Its Politicization Of The Title X Grant Process

Since Trump took office, Title X — the nation’s family planning program for low-income individuals — has been in constant peril.

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Trump’s HHS Office for Civil Rights: Ideological Agenda, Nationwide Impact


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) exists “to ensure that people have equal access to and the opportunity to participate in and receive services from HHS programs without facing unlawful discrimination.” However, under the Trump administration, OCR has pursued policies and taken actions to further a radical, ideological agenda at the expense of its underlying mission.

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Title X Comparison: The Nation’s Family Planning Program Has Been Drastically Altered By The Trump Administration From The Obama Administration


The Title X Family Planning Grant Process Has Been Altered Drastically From The Obama Administration Through The Trump Administration.

The Trump administration scrapped what was formerly anon-political processunder the Obama administration with their 2018 and 2019 grant announcements for the Title X Family Planning Program.

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