Anti-Abortion Centers and Their Fake Economic Solutions

Having the freedom to decide if and when we have kids is fundamental to building the lives we want for ourselves. But in the face of a housing affordability crisis, underfunded child care infrastructure, and a widening gender wage gap, this fundamental freedom feels further and further out of reach. Instead of addressing these economic issues, anti-abortion lawmakers are trying to divest from proven social services and invest in anti-abortion programs that are not only ineffective, but detrimental to communities.

The Systemic Targeting of Marginalized Groups by Anti-Abortion Centers

Targeting marginalized communities is an issue across various businesses, including finance, food and beverage, and retail. Anti-abortion centers (AACs) also fall in the predatory business category. AACs’ strategic targeting of marginalized communities exploits disparities and systemic inequalities in reproductive health care to their advantage.

Reproductive Health: A Social Justice Issue

The United Nations (UN) defines human rights as, “rights we have simply because we exist as human beings - they are not granted by the state.” These range from the right to food and education, to health and liberty. The United Nations also affirms that access to culturally competent reproductive health care is a human right. As such, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v.

Deception With Your Dime: Anti-Abortion Centers Are Misusing Funds to Harm People and Enrich Themselves

We’ve all seen the billboards on the highway and the bus and subway ads. The text reads, “Pregnant? Afraid? We’re here to help.” And they often feature a woman, usually white, with her head bowed, brow furrowed. Underneath is a toll-free number and a website link. If you have ever thought that these numbers or websites directed you to a health center that provides abortions or at least would support that option, you’re not alone in making that mistake. In fact, the ad was designed to ensure you make that mistake.

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